At the early stage of business that rely on app will face the condition when they found their app conversion is bad or even nobody want to purchase. You try to wonder what went wrong and try to blame your developer, product and marketing for low company performance because no data in hand to analyzing the problem. Actually there is no rocket science to start analyzing why that happened and lastly make changes.

As an agency we feel bad if our client pay for nothing like delivering click, install, impression without impact to lower funnel of client business such as sales, hence we always try crack the problem by analyzing their data to find the root cause of our client low performance. In this article we are going to share our some of checklists to start improving our client business

Check your App Reviews

We always surprise if our client doesn’t care with their rating on playstore. In most of our case when the rating drop it will impact app install rate (install / playstore visit) and for sure your cost per install will increase that leads to higher customer acquisition cost. To get install rate you can simply go to google play console or you can create custom column in Google AdWords using this way

Checking reviews from customer and reply are very important part for product improvement because that is zero cost but very valuable information to make better product. For easy monitoring your playstore reviews we usually advice our client to use app called appbot which can be connected to your slack app. With using this tool we will get real time review from customer right on your slack or even monitoring your competitor review for your product improvement and marketing strategy.

Check User Funnel

Do you see the picture above where ratio of users from payment page to ecommerce purchase drop? this kind of reporting is crucial part especially when you are running high budget campaign, we don’t want our investment just go for nothing. To get this data we usually take from Firebase analytics which connected to Google Big Query, actually you can get the data from Firebase dashboard but we prefer to create our own custom dashboard using Tableau because you only able to see aggregate data on its dashboard while generating data from Google Big Query is much more freedom to create your own view including historical data like shown above.

Check Your Online Marketing Campaigns

This is very basic checklist when we find our product performance is not generating result as we expected. Some of our client believes with no strategy they will get good result however online marketing is very complex especially for promoting app hence tracking, setting creatives are very important to prepare before pushing your app to market. here are our checklist

  • Make sure you have in app event conversion postback setup correctly to make Google / Facebook machine learning working toward your goal (i.e register, purchase) not only install to some irrelevant users.
  • Start small and if the result going well then scale. We recommend to wait and don’t make any changes until you get at least 250 installs
  • Testing your creative to get best result, with all automation happening for app promotion the only thing we can control is creative hence talk with your creative team to find the best angle for your business promotion along with creative format (images, gif, video)

Check Your Product

Nobody will trust to put their credit card into buggy app that is why crash monitoring is crucial part to build customer trust. One of the way to monitor crash is firebase which we find very easy to read the crash trend, here is the sample report, interesting isn’t it?

Call Your Customer

If you use customer lifecycle management software such as moengage, leanplum you will know which, when, how your user visit your app along with their detail contact information if they registered user, more important part is you will know which user open your app but don’t make purchase. The easy way to improve your product is to call them and ask why, this is basic and no rocket science but very helpful to know their problem when they use your app.

Do you have any other tips? please feel free to put on the comment below.

Published On: December 1st, 2018 / Categories: General /

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